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Youtube Reviews

Aaaaaand here I am again, finally sitting down at my computer after months and months of nothing. I doubt anyone is shocked- I know I am not. My "About" section literally says I post sporadically, so here I am... doing that.

I've been super active on Instagram lately (insert shameless plug here) and I've used my stories for the past few months as a way to review things I like. Instead, I decided to finally upload stuff on Youtube so my videos of nonsense and babbling can be preserved for strangers forever.

I'm not kidding.

But anyway, my first review is of the Go Love Yourself Box, which I have been subscribed to for months and very much recommend. I have an unboxing video of the May 2019 box- which I got today!

And thus my first Youtube video (that I haven't deleted out of sheer shame) exists.

Let me know what you think! Also, I hope you enjoyed the 1000000 hyperlinks in this post.

Love always,



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