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My name is Katie, I'm 28, and I'm awesome. I am a big ol' nerd, I love food of all types (except beets), and I am addicted to Amazon shopping.

I'm a "Jill of All Trades, Master of None, but Better Than a Master of One" type of person. My interests go the same way. I like everything from Harry Potter to running to puppies to sci-fi to gardening. Seriously, my interests are varied.

I've always loved writing, but I'm a bit of a procrastinator/lazy-holic. I had a professional blog and website (the domain might actually still be up?) but that ended up being too formal and blargh. I can be serious, but I'm more snarky and fun. Why would I want to write any other way?

That's why I started "Failing Through Adulthood". I want to write but I don't want to stuck to a certain writing style, tone, or format. I wish I could promise a certain type of consistency, but I can't. Here's hoping the content is at least moderately entertaining.


HDIA: How Do I Adult? Advice Section. Send in questions.

BTWC: Bathtub Wine Critic. I get drunk in my bathtub and give reviews.

Stream of Consciousness: Whatever I want. Ramblings. Enjoy!


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