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Stream of Consciousness: How Do I Adult?

I have the constant feeling that I'm not a good adult. Failure at life sounds a bit too harsh, but failing at adulting sounds both more millennial and more accurate- hence the title "Failing Through Adulthood" on this blog.

Objectively, I am in a good place. I plan my time wisely, working full-time, parenting a silly pup, getting my Masters, going to church, spending time with family and friends, and volunteering. I'm pretty good at doing what I do- so why do I feel bad at it?

Obviously, I blame THE PATRIARCHY. And THE MEDIA.

(I mean, they clearly play a part but I'm mostly joking there).

I think the reason I think I'm not good at life is because being an adult isn't easy, it's non-stop, and I'm nowhere near where I thought I'd be 10 years ago.

But that's not a bad thing. I am nowhere close to who I was 10 years ago either, so judging myself to an old standard that is actually impossible is stupid. 10 years ago I didn't know what escrow was, let alone that I would have a section of my paycheck going to it. (If you don't know what escrow is, don't worry- it's related to taxes and owning a home and dealing with mortgage nonsense and omg that's such an adult sentence. Look at me!)

I'm not changing my blog title, because I still think I'm failing through adulthood- I just am failing less than a lot of people. Maybe I'm failing, but life is grading me on a curve.

So, this is a stream of consciousness, like normal. But this one actually is a little aside to my readers about the blog, me, and where this blog is going.

I love writing and have thousands of stories in my head, but I'm not making myself follow deadlines. As mentioned above, my life is hectic enough. I'll write when I want to drink in a bathtub, when something fun happens, or if someone asks me a question.

Which leads to the next part of this- If you think you're a bad adult and need help working through things, send me a message or post a comment or get in touch with me somehow. I'm no expert, but I have dabbled in a lot of nonsense to become a better adult. Furthermore, if I have zero clue how to help you with an adulting issue, then I probably should learn about that subject anyway to better my own life.

So let me know if you have any topics- from picking out the best planner (seriously, I love planners so much I get targeted ads now) to budgeting to job applications to buying a house to meal planning. I don't think I'm the best adult out there, but I'm just trying to stay ahead of the curve- and help others do the same.

I'll answer your questions as fast (and as best) as I can! Stay tuned for the How Do I Adult (HDIA) section.

<3 You All,



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