I have the constant feeling that I'm not a good adult. Failure at life sounds a bit too harsh, but failing at adulting sounds both more millennial and more accurate- hence the title "Failing Through Adulthood" on this blog. Objectively, I am in a good place. I plan my time wisely, working full-time, parenting a silly pup, getting my Masters, going to church, spending time with family and friends, and volunteering. I'm pretty good at doing what I do- so why do I feel bad at it? Obviously, I blame THE PATRIARCHY. And THE MEDIA. (I mean, they clearly play a part but I'm mostly joking there). I think the reason I think I'm not good at life is because being an adult isn't easy, it's non-stop, and I'm nowhere near where I thought I'd be 10 years ago. But that's not a bad thing. I am nowhere close to who I was 10 years ago either, so judging myself to an old standard that is actually impossible is stupid. 10 years ago I didn't ...
Because being an adult is hard. And I am clearly doing it wrong.