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Showing posts from 2018

Stream of Consciousness: Morning Sidekick Journal

I have never been a morning person. I feel better at night- more productive, more aware, and just better in general. I've always had a hard time getting into bed and sleeping (even though I LOVE sleep and am pretty good at falling asleep), but this productivity kick has always been at night. Unfortunately, most of my close friends seem to be morning people. If I want a fitness accountability buddy, they want to meet at like 0700 on WEEKENDS which is just literal trash. It's terrible. I hate it. Sleeping in is the best feeling in the world. Then, the Air Force happened. This past week has been 0445-0500 showtimes and it was terrible. Today is Saturday and I slept in until 0830, which seemed like a treat. Sleeping in and 0830 should never be tied together, but that's my life now. This isn't a plug or anything, but I've been using Habit Nest's Morning Sidekick Journal thing and I've honestly really liked it. It has you do a few tasks every morning and ...

Stream of Consciousness: Failure

I've been struggling to know what to write about for my next post. I love writing but I haven't done it in such a long time that it seems bizarre. Have you ever had a hobby that you've loved so much for so long, but just haven't gotten around to it in a while? And then when you finally get around to it, you're not sure what to do or how to do it, and you've lost confidence in yourself that you can even be good at what you love? That's where I'm at. But I guess in general my whole mindset has been there lately. There's a lot of stuff that I enjoy doing that I've just stopped doing. Life has gotten in the way. Work has gotten in the way. Organizing my new house has gotten in the way. I have gotten in the way. I want to refocus my life. On Friday, I found myself complaining all day. When someone new came into the room, I launched into my spiel again. And this repeated, over and over and over, until by the end of the day, I'm sure the people...

BTWC: Fish Eye 2016 Cabernet Sauvignon

I haven't written in almost two years, so I'm gonna start this blog back with a bang! Aka I am going to get drunk in my bathtub again. You're welcome. In case you were wondering, there are a lot of things that happen behind the scenes of Bathtub Wine Critic. I mean, I have a killer  set-up with bath bombs and candles and a wheelie cart with snacks, books, and my laptop streaming some video of some sort. I even have a pillow in my tub. I am a champion. You can't see the pillow, but you can definitely see the laptop, book, and snacks. "But Katie," you say, "all those bath bombs and candles are scented and are totally going to mess up your palate and skew your judgment!" To that I say, I'm getting drunk in my bathtub. Obviously I am refined enough to compensate. Fish Eye 2016 Cabernet Sauvignon Every now and then, I go to the liquor store and buy 3 or 4 random wines to drink. Some I pick by price, some I pick by label, and some I ...