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Showing posts from February, 2020

SoC/HDIA: Writing

Someone asked me a couple of days ago what my writing style was.  Caveat:  This was a completely innocent question with no malice or a judgmental tone. It was stated rather neutrally, albeit still a question. I honestly didn’t know what to say and I kinda said nonsense until they asked a second clarifying question. They asked me, “So do you just sit down and write everything at once?" And I immediately realized that they were talking about this blog. I know this person reads this blog because they had casually asked it if I was all right after posting a BTWC post. (In case you were wondering why my last post had all those disclaimers that I really don’t drink outside of those posts and I’m not an alcoholic and I drink in my bathtub safely, it’s because some of my coworkers discovered my blog, and don’t know me well enough to not be concerned... still super nice that they were concerned tho! But I digress) So this blog is kind of interesting to me. I want...